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What is new quality productivity? On the eve of the two sessions, what are the key integrated circuits in the local government work report?

Jessie February 04, 2024

The National Two Sessions will officially open in Beijing on March 5, and local government work reports have been released one after another. Coincidentally, "new quality productivity" has become a high-frequency word in local government work reports.

What is "new quality productivity"?  "The characteristic is innovation, the key is quality, and the essence is advanced productivity."

In addition to "new quality productivity", new industrialization, artificial intelligence large model, satellite Internet, data cloud network chain and other new words refresh the focus of 2024 work. Let's take a look at what the key work on integrated circuits will be in 2024 in the local government work report.

Beijing: Targeting to crack the "stuck neck" problem in artificial intelligence, integrated circuits and other fields

On January 21, 2024, at the second session of the 16th Beijing People's Congress, Yin Yong, Mayor of Beijing, delivered a government work report, clarifying the work priorities for 2024. The following are some of the contents:

We will work together to build an international science and technology innovation center and further strengthen new drivers and advantages for development. In terms of accelerating the efficiency of the innovation system, the regulations on the construction of the Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center will be implemented. We will continue to increase support for the development of basic sciences, ensure the on-orbit operation and systematic development of national laboratories in Beijing, and start the reorganization of key laboratories in Beijing. We will coordinate and promote the high-quality development of new research and development institutions, and support the formation of a number of innovation consortiums led by leading enterprises. In-depth implementation of key core technology battle operations, targeted to crack artificial intelligence, integrated circuits and other fields of "neck" problems. In the effort to build a high-level talent highland, vigorously cultivate integrated circuit and other key industries are in urgent need of talents and compound talents.

We will coordinate efforts to expand domestic demand and deepen supply-side structural reform to consolidate and strengthen the momentum of economic recovery. We will accelerate the development of new quality productivity, implement high-quality development actions for key industrial chains in the manufacturing industry, and improve the resilience and safety of industrial chains and supply chains. We will accelerate the promotion of major integrated circuit projects and achieve greater breakthroughs in the fields of optoelectronic integration and core technology. Promote the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry, and actively layout the industrial chain of key components such as motors, batteries, electronic controls, and vehicle gauge chips. We will promote the development of strategic emerging industries such as new energy, new materials, commercial aerospace, and low-altitude economy, and open up new racetracks for future industries such as quantum, life sciences, and 6G. Optimize the professional and special new enterprise echelon cultivation system to help more enterprises develop and grow.

Guangdong: Promote the construction of chip projects such as Yuexin Phase III, China Resources Micro and Guangzhou Zengxin

Wang Weizhong, governor of Guangdong province, delivers a government work report at the second session of the 14th People's Congress of Guangdong Province in South China's Guangdong province, Jan. 23, 2019. The key work arrangements for 2024 have been clarified, and the following are some of the contents:

To further promote the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area International Science and Technology Innovation Center and the Greater Bay Area Comprehensive National Science Center, strengthen the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Joint laboratory, and create a high ground for innovation in industries such as 5G, integrated circuits, nanotechnology, and biomedicine-related industries. It will develop emerging industries such as integrated circuits, new energy storage, cutting-edge new materials, and ultra-high-definition video display, promote the construction of chip projects such as Yuexin Phase III, China Resources Micro, Guangzhou Zengxin, and Founder Micro, and promote the steady production of projects such as Zhaoqing Ningde Times Phase I and Jiangmen Zhongchuang Xinhang Phase I. We will implement the action plan for five future industrial clusters, advance the layout of future industries such as 6G, quantum technology, life science, and humanoid robots, and create a national future industry pilot area. Artificial intelligence is a strategic technology that leads a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and it is necessary to seize the opportunities of the tuyere.

We will upgrade the industrial foundation and modernize the industrial chain. We will carry out major research projects in technology and equipment, and vigorously develop high-end equipment manufacturing industries such as industrial mother-machines, precision instruments, and inspection and testing. Implement the strong chain project of the auto parts industry, give full play to the leading role of vehicle manufacturing enterprises, and expand the industrial chain of new energy vehicles. We will accelerate efforts to make key and core technologies autonomous and controllable. To explore Guangdong's practice of a new nationwide system for tackling key core technologies, strive for the state to deploy a number of major scientific and technological projects and projects in the Greater Bay Area, and collaborate with Hong Kong and Macao's scientific and technological forces to deeply participate in major scientific research tasks. In-depth implementation of "Guangdong strong core", core software research, "bright action" and other projects to speed up the cracking of "stuck neck" technology.

Anhui: A number of new cutting-edge technology concept experiment centers, pilot bases

On January 23, the second session of the 14th Anhui Provincial People's Congress opened in Hefei. Governor Wang Qingxian delivered the Government Work Report, which clarified the key work in 2024. The following are some of the contents:

In 2024, Anhui Province will strengthen the service guarantee of national laboratories and accelerate the construction of the three major scientific and innovation highlands of quantum information, fusion energy and deep space exploration. Construction of ground-to-ground integrated quantum precision measurement experimental facilities has begun, and major landmark projects for deep space exploration have been initiated and implemented. We have carried out major scientific and technological projects and key research and development projects in the fields of integrated circuits, industrial mother-machines, intelligent complete sets of equipment, and basic software, built a number of cutting-edge technology concept test centers and pilot test bases, and restructured and upgraded more than 100 provincial (key) laboratories.

At the same time, we will improve the technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body. Build a echelon cultivation system from technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises to technology leaders, support the specialized and innovative development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and net increase of more than 5,000 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, more than 3,500 high-tech enterprises, and about 10 technology leaders. In addition, Anhui will build a "Science and Technology University Silicon Valley" high-tech incubator park, high-quality operation of "a building is an innovation complex" of more than 60 innovation units.

Jiangsu: Strive to make new breakthroughs in cutting-edge new materials, high-end chips, key equipment and other fields

On January 23, 2024, at the second session of the 14th Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress, Xu Kunlin, Governor of Jiangsu Province, delivered a government work report, which clarified the key work in 2024. The following are some of the contents:

In terms of further promoting the self-reliance and self-improvement of high-level science and technology, including full-service guarantee for the construction of Suzhou laboratory, support Zijinshan Laboratory to undertake more major national science and technology tasks such as mobile information network, Taihu and Zhongshan laboratories into the national strategic science and technology force layout, accelerate the construction of Yunlonghu laboratory, and strive for more national key laboratories to settle in Jiangsu. High-level construction and operation of provincial laboratory alliance. In vigorously promoting new industrialization, including around 50 key industrial chains, the implementation of a number of industrial foundation reconstruction and major technology and equipment research projects, improve the first (set), the first batch, the first application policy, and strive to make new breakthroughs in the fields of cutting-edge new materials, high-end chips, heavy-duty robots, and key equipment, and promote the high-quality development of industrial mother-machines and industrial software.

Changsha: Mentioned "two cores and one ecology", Kunpeng + Feiteng + Kirin system

On January 11, the fourth session of the 16th People's Congress of Changsha opened in Changsha People's Hall. At the meeting, Zhou Haibing, mayor of Changsha City, made a government work report, which clarified the work priorities for 2024. The following are some of the contents:

Expand and strengthen a new generation of autonomous secure computing system industrial clusters, focus on the "two core and one ecology" strong technology, expand the application, promote the promotion, and accelerate the creation of advanced computing industry clusters. We will actively promote industrial clusters of new energy vehicles, advanced energy materials, biomedicine, and new alloy materials to become national advanced manufacturing clusters. Promote the completion and operation of SAIC Volkswagen, GAC Aean and other projects, and accelerate the construction of Changsha auto parts Industrial Park; Promote the construction of long-term lithium battery cathode materials (Phase II), Bangsheng energy storage battery materials, Jinchi Energy (Phase III) and other projects to enhance the development advantages of advanced energy storage materials industry. Promote the construction of national smart construction pilot cities, cultivate and expand green smart construction industrial clusters, and realize dual-wheel drive and two-way empowerment of smart construction and smart manufacturing. Forward-looking layout of future industries, seize the industrial development opportunities in artificial intelligence, quantum technology and other fields. Promote the development of industrial chains. Improve the industrial chain map, and promote the construction of 17 industrial chains to go deep and solid. Promote the construction of Lens intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, Huike intelligent manufacturing industrial complex and other projects, and strengthen the new display industry chain.

(Note: Two cores and one ecology, namely Kunpeng CPU, Feiteng CPU and Kirin system ecology).

Shandong: Accelerate the layout and development of silicon carbide, gallium nitride and other third-generation semiconductor industries

On January 22, at the second session of the 14th People's Congress of Shandong Province, Zhou Naixiang, governor of Shandong Province, made a government work report, which clarified the key work in 2024. The following are some of the contents:

In accelerating the development of industrial scientific and technological innovation highlands, we will carry out high-quality development actions for landmark industrial chains, implement 100 major scientific and technological innovation projects in the fields of integrated circuits and industrial mother-machines, strengthen the collaboration of universities, research institutes and enterprises to tackle key problems, break through a number of "bottleneck" technologies, and make solid progress in stabilizing chains and improving the resilience and safety of industrial and supply chains.

In accelerating the new industrialization, we will accelerate the clustering of emerging industries. Around 10 provincial emerging industrial clusters will be newly cultivated in the fields of next-generation information technology, high-end equipment, new energy and new materials, and new energy vehicles. Improve the energy level of Binzhou aluminum new materials, Jining intelligent equipment, and other industrial clusters. Accelerate the forward-looking layout of future industries. Around 20 cutting-edge technologies will be implemented in the fields of artificial intelligence, life sciences, future networks, quantum technology, and humanoid robots, and 15 provincial-level future industrial clusters will be accelerated. Support Jinan, Qingdao and Yantai to build future industrial pilot areas;

In the promotion of digital industrialization, we will strengthen and strengthen a number of leading backbone enterprises, accelerate the promotion of 100 major projects, and strive to increase the revenue of the information technology industry by more than 10%. Promote large-scale production of key integrated circuit projects in Jinan, Qingdao and other cities, and accelerate the layout and development of silicon carbide, gallium nitride and other third-generation semiconductor industries;

In the reinforcement of the digital economy base, the deployment of high-performance intelligent computing center, overall layout of general and vertical large model computing power, a total of more than 25 5A provincial new data centers have been built, the proportion of intelligent computing power has reached 30%, and the "Shandong computing network" has been built.

Sichuan: Promote key core technologies and industrialization in the fields of integrated circuits and industrial software

On January 22, at the second session of the 14th Sichuan Provincial People's Congress, Huang Qiang, governor of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government, made a government work report, which clarified the key work in 2024. The following are some of the contents:

We will actively foster strategic emerging industries. We will focus on the layout and vigorous development of the artificial intelligence industry, cultivate emerging industries such as satellite networks, new energy and intelligent connected vehicles, and strive to make substantial progress this year. Promote key core technologies and industrialization in the fields of integrated circuits and industrial software, and promote the development of Beidou scale applications and industrial clusters. We will further implement the development project of integrated clusters of strategic emerging industries, strive to create the second batch of national strategic emerging industrial clusters, and lay out a new batch of provincial clusters. Accelerate the construction of BOE 8.6th-generation production line, FAW Red Flag Chengdu New energy vehicle manufacturing base, Tianfu Software Park Phase II and other major industrial projects. Plan to build the future industrial science and technology park, and strive for the national future industrial pilot area and biological economy pilot area.

Tianshui: Build integrated circuit closed test industry gathering area

Recently, the 2024 Tianshui City Government work report was released, which clarified the focus of work in 2024. The following are some of the contents:

Focusing on industrial transformation and upgrading, cultivating new drivers of industrial development, including transforming and upgrading traditional industries. Adhere to the new development concept to lead the new industrialization, steadily promote the "strong industry" action, increase support for key enterprises, and strive to build integrated circuit closed test industry cluster, advanced manufacturing transformation and upgrading demonstration zone. Focus on high-end, intelligent and green, accelerate the implementation of 30 "three chemical" transformation projects such as Huatian integrated circuit high reliability seal test, and promote the iterative upgrading of traditional industries. We will strengthen projects in key industries and inject new vitality into traditional industries.

Focus on expanding effective investment and expanding projects to build new racetracks, including actively attracting projects. We will strive to attract 65.8 billion yuan of investment, an increase of more than 20%. Focus on building integrated circuits, electrical appliances, high-end equipment manufacturing, new materials and new energy, medicine, food, building materials and other 10 billion industrial clusters.

Dalian: Promote the construction of key projects such as China Electronics Group, Dalian Sugu and SK Hynix

On January 6, 2024, at the third session of the 17th People's Congress of Dalian, Mayor Chen Shaowang of Dalian made a government work report, which clarified the key work arrangements for 2024. The following are some of the contents:

We will take action to foster new quality productivity. We will develop and strengthen strategic emerging industries, focusing on building a new generation of information technology, life safety, clean energy and other industrial clusters, with the added value of strategic emerging industries accounting for 14% of GDP. Strengthen and expand the core area of the digital economy, accelerate the high-end development of advanced electronic information manufacturing, software and information technology services, promote the construction of key projects such as China Electronics Group, Dalian Sugu, SK Hynix, and Betrix, and the output value of the new generation of information technology industry has reached 180 billion yuan. Forward-looking layout of future industries, focusing on the new generation of artificial intelligence, meta-universe, third-generation semiconductor and flexible electronics, deep-sea development and other fields, advance planning of new technologies and new product research and development, accelerate the realization of technology productization, product industrialization, open up new fields and new tracks, and master the development opportunities and initiatives.

Changchun: Focus on new semiconductors, cutting-edge new materials and other tracks

On January 10, 2024, the third meeting of the 16th People's Congress of Changchun opened, and Mayor Wang Zilian made a government work report that: accelerate the construction of photoelectric information industry park, put into production of Opu photoelectric components and other projects, promote the landing of Visinol OLED module projects, and successfully run the first Changchun International Light Expo, and the output value of photoelectric information industry exceeded 90 billion yuan.

The government work report put forward: Focus on the new track in seven subdivisions, such as aerospace, new semiconductors, cutting-edge new materials, and digital economy, and formulate plans and introduce policies one by one to accelerate the formation of new quality productivity. Support Changguang Satellite to develop communications satellite manufacturing and geographic information data applications, build aviation industry demonstration parks, and explore the creation of low-altitude economic demonstration zones. Speed up the construction of fine chemical new materials industrial park, Oraide, Haplun, SAN Boma and other park projects to start large-scale construction. Strengthen the construction of 5G infrastructure layout, accelerate the construction of Changchun national Internet backbone direct link, Unicom big data industrial park, artificial intelligence innovation base, further enhance the activity of data trading center and computing power center operation capacity, the city's computing power scale reached 1000P.

Jinan: Do a good job in BYD semiconductor, Tianyue silicon carbide and other key projects

On January 10, 2024, at the third meeting of the 18th People's Congress of Jinan City, Mayor Yu Haitian of Jinan City made a government work report, which clarified the key work arrangements for 2024. The following are part of the contents:

"Vigorously build a modern industrial system, comprehensively cultivate new quality productivity," put forward new advantages of plastic strong leading industries. We accelerated the construction of iconic industrial chain groups and industrial communities, implemented the action of scaling and doubling quality enterprises, and added 200 new industrial enterprises and 15 specialized and new "little giant" enterprises. In the field of big data and new generation information technology, focus on promoting the construction of integrated circuit industry community, focusing on key projects such as BYD Semiconductor and Tianyue silicon carbide, creating a more resilient whole industry chain, and enhancing the competitiveness of third-generation semiconductors, automotive chips, key materials, advanced storage, intelligent terminals and other industries. In the field of intelligent manufacturing and high-end equipment, it focuses on supporting key enterprises such as second machine tool and Lingong Heavy Machine to grow bigger and stronger, promoting projects such as Kion Forklift II, Tongli Heavy Industry new energy mining trucks, Guangri East China Digital Industrial Park, promoting the production capacity of leading car enterprises such as BYD and Geely, and accelerating the construction of heavy truck test and testing centers and new energy truck manufacturing projects. The output of new energy vehicles reached more than 400,000. In the field of fine steel and advanced materials, it focuses on supporting the green and low-carbon transformation of Laisteel, Taisteel and Jiuyang, vigorously developing special steel and steel deep processing, promoting projects such as Sinomaterials Artificial Crystal Research Institute and Luxin Technology New materials, and actively developing composite materials, functional materials and low-carbon materials.

Ningbo: In 2023, Ningbo Silicon chip seal test phase II and other projects are accelerated

On January 17, the fourth session of the 16th Ningbo Municipal People's Congress opened. At the meeting, Ningbo Mayor Tang Feifan made a government work report to the conference, which clarified the main goals and tasks for 2024. The following are part of the contents:

Strive to create a new type of industrialization demonstration zone and enhance the competitiveness of the industrial system. Including: Further promote the integration of data and reality. We doubled investment in the digital economy, continued to expand the "core end trade soft" digital industrial cluster, and the added value of core industries increased by 8%. Accelerated the building of China's famous software city with industrial software as its traction, and software business revenue increased by 10%. Vigorously build the benchmark city of digital integration and intelligent network connection pilot zone, promote the full coverage of "smart transformation and number transformation" of industrial enterprises, implement more than 250 pilot digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, promote the digital transformation of traditional industries, green diagnosis, and create more than 30 benchmarking demonstrations above the provincial level such as intelligent manufacturing and industrial Internet. A state-level Internet backbone direct link point and the second phase of an artificial intelligence supercomputing center have been built.

Chongqing: Speed up the promotion of six wafer projects such as Anyi Law and Core Link

On January 21, at the second session of the Sixth Chongqing People's Congress, Hu Henghua, Mayor of Chongqing Municipal People's Government, made a government work report, which clarified the key work in 2024. The following are some of the contents:

Strengthen the manufacturing cluster. The implementation of high-quality development actions of key industrial chains and the recruitment of large and strong actions to promote stable and strong chains, basic reconstruction, and energy level improvement, continue to optimize the industrial layout, and improve the "33618" modern manufacturing cluster system. The new generation of electronic information manufacturing industry, accelerate the promotion of six wafer projects, such as Angyi Law and Xinlian, drive the coordinated development of chip design, packaging and testing, semiconductor special equipment and materials, increase the cultivation of AI and robots, computing equipment and other industries, promote the construction of Compal, fluorite, SAN An substrate materials, Delta power converters and other projects, expand the category of electronic terminal. Improve the industrial supporting system; Intelligent equipment and intelligent manufacturing, accelerate the construction of drones, high-speed and high-precision industrial robots and other projects, and promote the "double lifting" of the whole machine and parts; Software information, in-depth implementation of the "star" action plan, accelerate the "star" "Big Dipper" enterprise cultivation and software talent "super factory" construction, continue to grasp the key links of talent, places, scenes, enterprises, ecology, and strive to main business income of more than 400 billion yuan.

We will strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, implement five major projects such as core software, high-end devices and chips, and eight key projects such as new energy, green and low-carbon, organize cooperation between industry, universities and research institutes, and further promote the "double doubling" action, and strive to exceed 8,500 high-tech enterprises and 60,000 high-tech enterprises, respectively. Promote the development of digital transformation. Accelerate the construction of the national hub node of the National integrated computing network (Chengdu-Chongqing), strive for the support of the state to build the key laboratory of advanced manufacturing intelligent computing, build the city's unified computing power dispatching platform, and improve the energy level of information infrastructure. We will strengthen research and development on generative artificial intelligence, build open source communities, promote the deep penetration of next-generation information technologies in all fields of production and life, and expand new space for digital industrialization.

Zhejiang: Make integrated circuit, artificial intelligence, high-end software and other industrial clusters stronger

On January 23, the second session of the 14th Zhejiang Provincial People's Congress opened. Wang Hao, governor of Zhejiang Province, made a government work report, which clarified the key work in 2024. The following are some contents:

We will continue to promote the construction of major projects. In key areas such as scientific and technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, and major infrastructure, more than 1,000 "thousand trillion" major projects will be arranged, with an annual investment of more than 1 trillion yuan. Focus on building a modern industrial system. Guided by the in-depth implementation of the "No. 1 Development Project" of digital economy innovation and quality improvement, we will vigorously implement the "415X" advanced manufacturing cluster cultivation and the "hundred million" project of high-quality development of service industry, solidly promote new industrialization, accelerate the building of a strong province of high-quality development of digital economy and a strong province of modern service industry, and build a global advanced manufacturing base. We will vigorously develop the digital economy. We deepened the development of national experimental zones for the innovation and development of the digital economy, made industrial clusters such as integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, and high-end software better and stronger, and actively promoted the "intelligent transformation of industrial data". The added value of core industries of the digital economy increased by about 9%, and the coverage of digital transformation of industrial enterprises reached 85%. Improve the data infrastructure system and institutional system, accelerate the cultivation of data elements market, and promote the safe and efficient circulation and utilization of data.

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