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The US semiconductor chip powerhouse was hit hard: exports lost $5.7 billion

Jessie March 04, 2024

As one of the core bases of semiconductors in the United States, Oregon suffered a major setback in 2023, with total exports falling by more than $6 billion, or more than 20%, after two years of substantial growth went straight to zero.

Among them, chip exports lost a full 5.7 billion US dollars, accounting for as much as 95% of the total, while the decline was as much as 39%.

Meanwhile, semiconductor employment in Oregon has declined by 5 percent in the past year.

In fact, by 2022, Oregon's chip exports had fallen 14 percent.

The only good news is that Oregon exports are still 7 percent higher than in 2019, before the pandemic, while the overall unemployment rate is below 4 percent.

Oregon has nine fabs for seven semiconductor companies, including Intel(three Fab D1C/D1D/D1X), Microchip Technology, Anison, Maxim, Qorvo(two), Alpah & Omega.

A total of 18 states in the United States have semiconductor manufacturing plants or fabs, a total of 71, belonging to 33 different enterprises.

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