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The recovery trend of the chip industry has officially started

Jack August 15, 2023

1. Mitsubishi Electric invests in Novel Crystal to accelerate the commercialization of gallium oxide power devices

Mitsubishi Electric, Japan's largest semiconductor manufacturer, recently announced a strategic investment in Novel Crystal Technology, which is mainly engaged in the research and development of fourth-generation semiconductor material gallium oxide wafers. In the future, Mitsubishi Electric will combine years of low-power loss, high-reliability power semiconductor product design and manufacturing Technology with Novel Crystal Technology's gallium oxide wafer manufacturing technology.


2. Analyst: ASML's first EXE:5000 will ship in early 2024

Senior semiconductor industry analyst Scotten Jones recently integrated information from SEMICON West and other channels to review the status quo and planning of ASML high-end product development and application. Jones revealed that ASML has shipped more than 200 NXE:3400/3600 systems to date, including 45 NXE:3400B, 76 NXE:3400C and 75 NXE:3600D, and NXE:3600D is about to become the most shipped EUV lithography model number. The first NXE:3800E is expected to ship in the fourth quarter of this year. The analyst also said that the first EXE:5000 will be shipped in early 2024 and mass produced in 2025, and later in 2023, ASML's plant in Veldhoven will cooperate with imec to set up a high NA EUV demonstration laboratory and run a 0.55NA EUV lithography machine in early 2024.


3. Mediatek: Q3 demand improvement revenue is expected to increase by 4-11% quarter-on-quarter

CAI Lixing, vice chairman and chief executive officer of Mediatek, said that in the third quarter, the company benefited from improved demand for smartphones, network chips and power management chips, which can offset the decline of smart TVS and other consumer electronics products, and is expected to reach NT $102.1 to NT $108.9 billion in Q3 revenue, an increase of 4 to 11%. The gross profit margin is about 45.5~48.5%. CAI Lihang pointed out that at present, the inventory level of major end customers and channels has gradually dropped to a normal level, and customer demand continues to be stable, but customers are still cautious in managing inventory. This year, the shipment and revenue of 5G mobile phone flagship chips have continued to increase, and a number of smart phones equipped with Tianguet 9200+ SoC have been warmly welcomed by the market, which is expected to contribute solid revenue in the third quarter.

4, vivo released 6nm process self-developed image chip V3

vivo released 6nm self-developed image chip V3, with multiple concurrent AI-sensing -ISP architecture and the second generation of FIT interconnection system, can support 4K movie portrait mode


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