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Putting wings on the road: ADAS, electrification and connected vehicles

Jessie January 05, 2024

The automotive industry is undergoing an unprecedented technological revolution. With the rapid evolution of emerging technologies, the way we understand and use cars is in the midst of a fundamental shift. Three technologies are leading the future of smart cars: Advanced Driver assistance systems (ADAS), electrification, and Connected Vehicles (V2X). These technologies are not only the "troika" that promotes the development of smart cars, but also a key force in reshaping the modern transportation ecology.

1. Drive industry growth for ADAS that makes driving easier and safer

Vehicle safety remains a top priority in the automotive development process. In recent years, driver assistance systems have now become one of the key features of modern vehicles. ADAS, in particular, is constantly undergoing a process of innovation and improvement aimed at ensuring maximum safety and comfort for drivers and passengers. According to Future Market Insights, the global automotive ADAS market value is expected to increase from $64,04775 million in 2024 to $21,17108 million in 2034. Over the next decade, the automotive ADAS market is expected to maintain a steady CAGR of approximately 12.7%, becoming a major driver of industry growth.

Rather than pointing to a single system, ADAS covers a range of different driving assistance solutions, including adaptive cruise control, automatic emergency braking, driver fatigue monitoring, lane departure warning, and high-beam safety systems. This means that ADAS is actually made up of many small systems that work together on different parts of the car. Their main task is not only to provide protection in the event of an accident, but more importantly to prevent potential risks before dangerous situations arise.

The operation of the ADAS system relies on numerous electronic components inside the vehicle, especially cameras and sensors. These high-precision devices capture and analyze environmental information in real time to provide data support for the system's decision making. For example, cameras can monitor lane markings and sensors are used to detect the position of surrounding vehicles and obstacles, which together provide powerful technical support for safe driving.

2. Under the wave of electrification, power semiconductors hold up half the sky

Electric vehicles (EVs) are gradually replacing traditional vehicles with internal combustion engines. According to Bloomberg, annual sales of electric vehicles will exceed 20 million by 2025, outpacing sales of new gasoline and diesel cars. In this wave of electrification, power semiconductors play a crucial role.

The heart of an electric car is its motor, and the power semiconductor is the beating power of that heart. As the driver of the motor, the power semiconductor is responsible for efficiently converting the electrical energy in the battery into the drive current and voltage required by the motor. This not only involves the efficiency of energy conversion, but also relates to the performance and response speed of the vehicle, which is the key to achieving efficient drive.

For electric vehicles, on-board charging systems are the main way to supplement electric energy. Power semiconductors play a crucial role in this process, converting alternating current from an external power source into direct current that can directly charge the battery. This requires not only high conversion efficiency, but also stability and reliability to ensure the safety and efficiency of the charging process.

As the energy source of electric vehicles, the performance and life of batteries directly determine the comprehensive performance of electric vehicles. Here, the power semiconductor, as the core of the battery management system, undertakes the heavy responsibility of monitoring, protection and management of the battery. It extends the battery life by intelligently regulating the battery charging and discharging process, and also ensures the safety during use.

3. Automotive Communication Revolution Connected Vehicle (V2X) technology brings a breakthrough in road safety

The rise of V2X technology is revolutionizing our understanding of automotive connectivity. It represents the advanced ability of vehicles to connect wirelessly with other vehicles, transportation infrastructure, pedestrians and even cloud services. The core of this innovative technology is that it gives vehicles the ability to collect and share information about road conditions in real time, greatly improving the safety and efficiency of driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), even with just two V2X safety features, such as LiDAR and vehicle-to-vehicle radio communication, up to 1,000 lives could be saved and approximately 500,000 traffic accidents prevented each year.

The implementation of V2X technology relies on a range of advanced components, including sensors, cameras, and multiple wireless connectivity technologies such as WiFi, RF, LTE, and 5G cellular technologies. These components work together to enable the car to share comprehensive information with other vehicles, the driver, and the surrounding environment. For example, a vehicle can receive critical information about traffic congestion, accidents or weather changes in real time and adjust its route based on this data. In addition, V2X technology can provide advance warning of impending potential hazards, such as sudden pedestrians or vehicles, giving drivers more reaction time to avoid collisions.

4. Put wings on our trip

Imagine driving an electric car equipped with an advanced ADAS system that automatically detects and reacts to its surroundings to ensure safe driving. At the same time, the vehicle communicates with other vehicles and road infrastructure in real time through V2X technology, intelligently predicting traffic flow and potential obstacles. The integration of these technologies not only improves the safety and efficiency of the car, but also adds wings to our travel, making every trip full of security, convenience and fun.

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