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Memory revolution is coming, who will carry the banner after DRAM?

Jessie February 22, 2024

On February 22, many experts from the Storage Network Industry Association (SNIA) recently estimated that the end of the 21st century will set off a wave of persistent memory (PMEM) change, and believe that new technologies will replace mature storage technologies such as DRAM.

IT Home Note: Persistent memory is a hybrid of memory and external memory, and its high-speed persistence is a game-changer in some scenarios where disk IO is a performance bottleneck.

SNIA's Arthur Sainio, Tom Coughlin and Jim Handy experts said that taking the hafnium ferroelectric random access memory developed by SK Hynix and Micron as an example, its running speed has reached the level of modern DRAM. However, it is impossible to confirm which emerging memory technology will be the final winner and eventually replace DRAM in client PCS and servers.

Ferroelectric random access memory is characterized by fast write cycles, but it has many strong competitors. This is because multiple new memory technologies such as MRAM, FERAM, and ReRAM are racing to replace existing standards such as SRAM, NOR flash, and DRAM.

Experts say MRAM has a big advantage over its competitors, with read speeds comparable to DRAM for the foreseeable future.

New technologies such as spin-orbit torque and voltage-regulated magnetoanisotropic magnetic random access memory are also reducing the write latency of MRAM, making it one of the leading candidates that could one day replace DRAM.

MRAM magneto-resistive random access memory

Magnetoresistive random access memory is a non-volatile memory technology that has been in development since the 1990s. Proponents of this technology believe that this technology is close to the speed of SRAM, has the non-volatility of flash memory, capacity density and service life do not lose DRAM, average energy consumption is much lower than DRAM, and become a true universal memory.

FeRAM ferroelectric random access memory

Ferroelectric random access memory, similar to SDRAM, is a random access memory technology. But because it uses a layer of ferroelectric material instead of the original dielectric, it also has the function of non-volatile memory.

ReRAM Variable resistance memory

Variable resistance memory, a new type of non-volatile memory, belongs to a new generation of memory together with another new type of magnetoresistive random access memory.

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